Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Update - Pancake Breakfast, Ice Skating, Advancement, Upcoming Events

I need to update this site more often, but that's why we're going to ask one of the boys to be the webmaster and do it instead of me!

Last I posted, we announced the Pancake Breakfast. Well I'm happy to report that it went off rather well and was a huge success. Combined with the included bake sale, we raised $767 to help fund trips, purchase new gear for the troop and pay for supplies for events, like our upcoming pinewood derby race. The Scouts, their parents, our Scouters, and the community who supported us are all to thank for pulling this fundraiser off so well. A very special thanks goes to Assistant Scoutmaster Brian Demmerle, without whose drive, financial wisdom, restaurant experience and expert schmoozing, we'd never have gotten the event off the ground. 

In other news, this year has been a great one for recruiting so far, and at our last parent's night, just about all of our newer scouts earned Scout, their first rank on the climb to Eagle. Seven scouts earned the rank, congrats to you all! 

This week, our troop went ice skating! For many of our guys, it was their first time on the ice, but everyone took to it well. I heard you guys asking that we do it again soon so remember to bring it up at the next Junior Leader Meeting! Also, since we've already started to learn, why not pursue the Skating Merit Badge?

Here's a couple of videos.
This is pretty much a whole lap of the rink. You'll see Joey, David L, Sebastian, Kevin G, Kevin K, Francesco and Stephano in this long shot.

And this is a short one of David S taking off like a rocket! I don't think he was a first time skater. The other guys will catch up by this time next year!

Here's a couple of pictures.




Remember, next week is Good Friday, and being sponsored by St. Matthias church means we have no meeting that day. We'll be back on Friday, April 9, 2010 at our usual time and place. We'll be racing the pinewood derby cars that we started building two weeks ago, so be ready to race!

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